Human Design
Readings & Coaching

  • It´s a huge formula that describes how a human being functions in the world.


    Imagine your body is a vehicle. Human Design gives you the owner´s manual for this vehicle.

    Once you know the mechanics it's a matter of respecting them:
    You wouldn't compete in the Tour de France with a tractor, nor would you take that fancy racing bike to plow a field.

  • Human Design Reading:
    90 minutes packed with information tailored uniquely to you.

    Human Design Coaching:
    All that yummy transformational and actionable info in a guided process geared towards implementation in your life. There´s time and space to experiment with the information and explore the questions that come up when implementing a (new) decision-making process.

  • Often it´s noted on your birth certificate.
    The hospital you were born in may have a record of the time.

  • Yes.
    Sometimes there´s some wiggle room… but the more precise the better.

  • Of course, my pleasure.

    “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

    ― Howard Thurman

  • To me, beauty is a person truly living her own life. In nature, each plant is living her life to the fullest, the daisy is being her full daisiness, the moss on the rock is living her full mossiness, the oak…you get the idea. Together, they create this symphony that is nature.

    Imagine each human being living their full uniqueness. Imagine the beautiful symphony we`d be, when each person lives as she`s meant to live. I doubt that daisies aspire to being oaks:

    “If only I go to the gym enough, I might just make it.”

    Living YOUR life is self-love.

    Human Design is this effective tool for finding your inner voice and feeling at home in your own life.