Uranus Opposition Reading

Between 38 to 44 years of age (the exact age differs from person to person) Uranus reaches the opposition to the place it had at your birth. It's a time of change in direction in your life. Your priorities change, you may feel confused because the things that used to make sense to you don´t anymore. In your cycle chart there's a wealth of information describing the meaning and purpose of this change in your life. It is about the time-qualities and the meaning, not about specific events. I always tie it back to your birth chart and your decision-making process, as I find this combination gives you the most useful information.

Prerequisites: HD Foundation-Reading or HD Foundation-Coaching


The HD Uranus Opposition Chart is the map I´m interpreting for you. To create this map, I need the following:  The date, time and place of your birth. (You´ll be asked to provide this information when scheduling your appointment).

90 minute HD Uranus Opposition Reading, via video call(zoom)

After the reading you´ll get:

  • A recording of the Reading

  • A pdf of your HD Uranus Opposition Chart

€ 349

To book, or if you have any questions send me an email.